Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Well I was up late, watching a Fulci City of the Living Dead.... and you know what it SUCKED HARD!!!! The zombies were just big pussy maggot mess who could teleport and squeeze the brains out of your hair. And it's not so much a city, as a crypt that is poorly lit to make out.

So I decided to just doodle my own take on Zombies

Basically my inspiration for Zombies are just from the music video Thriller. I love the green neon light that comes below the sewer as the large fat blue man comes out. Oh that scared me a kiddie, and the man who vomits out black stuff. That's the kind of Zombies I love. That or Return of the Living Dead Zombies are so much fun and I'm impressed how Walking Dead's Zombie make up. But I love color with my zombies, greens, yellows, blue and lots of exposed organs. I really shy away from flesh tones.... that or my favorite zombie of all time..... the Crypt Keeper

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